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music (mu'zik): the art of expression in sound, in melody, and harmony including both composition and execution; (the art of) instrumental performance, as distinct from singing; the science underlying it; a musical composition (obs); the performance of musical compositions; compositions collectively; a connected series of (pleasing) sounds; pleasing sounds generally; melody or harmony; sound of definite pitch, not mere noise. dance (dans): to move rhythmically, esp to music; to spring; sequence of steps or rhythmic movements, usually to music. SOUL (sol): that element of a being which thinks, feels, desires etc, regarded by some as distinct from the physical, material form, and as immortal; a spirit embodied or disembodied; the ego; innermost being or nature; moral and emotional nature, power, or sensibility; nobleness of spirit or its sincere expression; a complete embodiment or exemplification; the essential part; essence.